Do you have some spare time and would like to help in your local community? Then how about becoming involved as an environmental volunteer in the Serpentine Jarrahdale area. Landcare SJ helps to support a number of environmentally focused volunteer community groups working locally who are looking for new members. All groups are very friendly with no pressure on how much or how little […]
Category Archives: Volunteers
Byford gets a new park
Byford Enviro-link watered the plants in Granfell St and Marchant Way and also the new park proposed to be called Marri Tree Park this morning. Council has agreed to the name and this request is being progressed through government channels.
New Look for Byford Enviro-Link Community Volunteer Group
Byford Enviro-Link were proudly wearing their new shirts. The hi viz shirts were bought with money raised by collecting rubbish from Byford’s reserves and adjoining streets. Planting local native seedlings at Mundijong Road reserve. Watering at the Byford entry statement and information bay. All the seedling planted are watered in the first year to give […]
Byford Information Bay gets a facelift
Byford Information Bay before planting Byford information Bay Landcare SJ’s 2018 Planting Season kicked off at the Byford Entry Statement and Information Bay last Friday. Byford Enviro-Link joined Landcare SJ officers Francis Smit and Kristy Gregory to plant 160 plants around the 2 sites.
New work experience team mate at Landcare SJ
You might notice a new face around the Landcare SJ office on a Thursday morning. Learn more about our new work experience teammate Reece Jerrett directly from him. I’ve lived in the shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale since my family and I moved here from Halls Head in 2008. After a few weeks, my […]
Stink weed at the Byford Scout Reserve
Byford Envirolink members are sticky and smelly but they have cleared a huge amount of stink weed from the Scout Reserve in Byford. There is still more to remove and BEL will be back next Friday morning from 8-9am. If you would like to help just come along. Bring gloves and a mattock […]
Counting Roos at Lowlands Bushland – Can you help
During 2018, Landcare SJ will be assisting the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions to measure abundance of Western Grey Kangaroos in Lowlands bushland, Serpentine. A number of field methodologies will be used over a period of time to estimate the roo population, and we are seeking the help of volunteers to carry out walking […]
Byford Scout Hut Planting – Flowers already!
Success! Just 6 weeks after planting these seedlings are in flower. Byford Envirolink members spent an hour removing weeds from the National Tree Planting Day scout hall site.
Friends of Brickwood Reserve 2017 Bushcare Calendar
Friends of Brickwood Reserve have started their 2017 Bushcare meetings. Every 1st Sunday of the month at 10am. Meeting at corner of Mead street and Warrington rd, Byford. 2nd July. 10 am meet 6th August. 10am meet 3rd September. 10 am meet 24th September, planting with Landcare, 9am start 1st October. 10 am meet 5th […]
National Tree Day Preparation
On Friday 16th June Byford Enviro-link helped Kristy Gregory from Landcare SJ prepare this year’s National Tree Day site at the Byford Scount Hall in Byford, The team cleared weeds that had not died from spraying including bridal weed and invasive eastern states wattles. Old tree guards were removed and rubbish collected.