The Landcare SJ inaugural R U OK Day Planting Event was an absolute success! The prospect of wet weather did not seem to put people off and luckily the rain held off until the planting was completed. There were people from both the Peel and Murray regions, as well as being all different […]
Category Archives: Plantings 2017
Beau Sovereign Drive Planting 2017
1500 seedlings were planted on Tuesday 29 August by the North Dandalup Primary School. The seedlings were donated by Men of the Trees and the Shire of Murray, the latter also providing guards for protection from rabbits. The whole school was there – 120 children, along with […]
Turtle Creek 2017
75 children from Jarrahdale Primary School planted 400 sedges at Turtle Creek, a long term restoration site in Jarrahdale. The kids got a kick out of seeing the seedlings they have planted over the past 10 years replace the jungle of blackberry that was once there! […]
Scouts swap tent pegs for tree stakes at National Tree Day
The 2017 Landcare SJ National Tree Day Celebration was held at the Byford scout hall on July 30th. The scouts turned up enthusiastically swapping tent pegs for tree stakes as they planted native seedlings and then guarded them against the local kangaroo population. Over 100 people turned up on the chilly, but sunny morning, to […]
Jarrahdale Heritage Society brings back Goorolong Brook
Jarrahdale Heritage Society (JHS) long ago adopted the Goorolong Brook and have worked tirelessly to transform it from an overrun site covered in black wattles to a thriving native water course complete with walk path. In 2016 funding of $15,000 was provided by the State NRM Office for restoration of a 400m reach of the […]
Marchant Way, Byford 2017
Byford Enviro-Link has finished planting 300 seedlings along Marchant Way, a new verge in Byford near the Secondary College. After new houses and infrastructure are constructed, there are so many areas devoid of vegetation. [metaslider id=1437] The Enviro-Link has used this as an opportunity to introduce native species to the area – in […]
Myara Brook 2017
It was a pleasure to plant into the lovely rich loam of the Myara Brook valley on Tuesday 27 June. Several years of planting in the reserve is slowly replacing the watsonia which is being sprayed by local members of the Keysbrook Environment Group. In some areas of the reserve, the native species are coming […]
Mundijong Road
More rain overnight gave us some lovely moist soil to plant into at Mundijong Rd and Duckpond Reserve, with help from the Byford Enviro-Link. We have noticed gradually increasing survival rates of seedlings planted in previous years, and some natural regeneration as well. These sites are part of the current PHCC Community Environment Grant, through […]
Dirk Brook 2017
Dirk Brook, Punrak Rd – planting with Serpentine Environment Group on a sunny winter’s day. Truth be told, we were a bit nervous putting the seedlings in the ground at a sandy site on a very warm day with not much rain at all so far this season! Thankfully, the rain arrived that night. Sarah […]
Coffey Road 2017
Coffey Rd, Serpentine – planting with the Buhlmann family on a very chilly and rainy morning. What a relief though, after all the dry weather we have been having. This site is looking so good after 4 years of planting, and an amazing transformation from bare dust bowl to lush green reserve with more and […]