On Sunday 31st July 65 people confronted the windy, rainy and cold weather to plant 2500 seedlings. It was great to see so many kids dragging their mums, dads and grandparents down to the creek to plant the sedge species, then running back for more trays of seedlings. The mist and rain only […]
Category Archives: Plantings 2016
Jarrahdale School celebrates Schools’ National Tree Day
Landcare SJ celebrated Schools’ National Tree Day with Jarrahdale Primary School on July 27th. The children planted local native seedlings at the Gooralong Brook. Sedges were put in along the creek line to replace the weeds that have been removed over the past several seasons. We are pleased to see natural regeneration also occurring within […]
2016 Planting Season Serpentine Jarrahdale
Brickwood Reserve The Friends of Brickwood Reserve is currently meeting on the first Sunday of every month to carry out on-ground work in the bushland, mainly focussing on weed control. On Sunday 7 August we planted 250 seedlings which had been grown from collected seed in the reserve. The intention is to form a […]
2016 Myara Brook Planting
Report by Landcare SJ Officer Kristy Gregory A Green Army team is operating in the Peel-Harvey region and we have been able to use them at some of our sites. We have used them at Coffey Rd, Serpentine – love grass removal; Punrak Rd, Serpentine – wattle removal and planting; Beau Sovereign Dve, Nth Dandalup […]