Beau Sovereign Drive Planting 2017

North Dandalup Primary School children standing on Beau Sovereign Drive , North Dandalup waiting to start planting


1500 seedlings were planted on Tuesday 29 August by the North Dandalup Primary School.


Beau Sovereing\gn Drivepeople from North Dandalup Primary School







The seedlings were donated by Men of the Trees and the Shire of Murray, the latter also providing guards for protection from rabbits.

The whole school was there – 120 children, along with 12 teachers and parents, 6 Men of the Trees Volunteers, and Tom Lerner from the Shire of Murray.


North Dandalup Primary School children standing on Beau Sovereign Drive


The seedlings were watered by the rain soon after, and weed control will occur in spring to give the seedlings the best chance of survival.

Landcare SJ and the NDPS has carried out 10 years of planting at this site, creating a wildlife corridor along an unsealed road reserve through farm paddocks.


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Posted in Beau Sovereign Drive, Plantings 2017.