Mundijong Rd Planting Season 2020

Report by Reece Jerret, LandcareSJ Natural Resource Management Officer

Whilst the 2020 planting season has come to an end, it doesn’t mean we’re finished with our planting sites until next season.

Sue and Reece have been busy in the second half of September returning to past planting sites along Mundijong Road to see how the sites are planting, weed control and pest management.

Mundijong Road is one of three Flora Roads in Serpentine Jarrahdale, hosting a wide range of both native flora and fauna.

purple tassel flowering
Kangaroo Paw Seedling
goulds monitor lizard in grass
burchardia plant flowering
Foxtail Mulga flowering in bush setting

It was rewarding to see Quenda diggings, Brush Tail Possum scuffings on hollow-bearing trees, a flurry of bird activity, Gould’s Monitors, Tiger Snakes, as well as many native flora species regenerating from the seed bank such as the Foxtail Mulga Grass (Neurachne alopecuroidea.

Posted in Feature posts, Latest News, Mundijong Road, Plantings.