Our Vision

To provide the means for the community to care for the land today, in a way that will leave it better for tomorrow.

All donations to Landcare SJ support research, recovery, rescue and protection of ENDANGERED Black Cockatoos.


Special General Meeting of Landcare SJ


Date change:       Tuesday 9th April 2024

Time:                     6.00pm

Place:                     Landcare SJ Office

                                      12 Paterson St

                                      Mundijong WA 6123



Many thanks to past donors who have supported research and development, and placement of Cockatube nestboxes. The Cockatube has been used to compliment ever diminishing breeding habitat for at least six Black Cockatoo species across Australia.

Landcare Serpentine-Jarrahdale has donated over 150 Cockatubes through support in our donor program, particularly into fire ravaged areas since 2019, both in Western Australia, and across east coast and South Australia – its not only people who lose their homes. Donations have contributed to scientific R&D, leading to better understanding of optimal breeding habitat for all species of Black Cockatoo, through Landcare SJs program of continuous design improvement. Your support is making a difference. Please consider.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.