Brickwood Reserve is located in an urban area of Byford adjacent to Briggs Park and extending out along Soldiers Road in Cardup. The reserve is environmentally significant and includes Bush Forever areas and threatened ecological communities including Banksia Woodland
Tag Archives: Brickwood Reserve
The Brickwood Signs are up!
Landcare SJ and the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale have partnered together through the Community Funding Program to provide signs and doggy poop stations at different entrances to the Brickwood Reserve walk trail. This means walkers and their canines can enjoy the area while looking after it! The Friends of Brickwood Reserve group meet every month […]
Peel Harvey Catchment Council Community Grants
A total of $65,240 has been provided by the Australian Federal Government through the Peel-Harvey Catchment Council for the protection and enhancement of 4 significant bushland reserve in Serpentine Jarrahdale and north Murray. Brickwood reserve, Byford – 50ha Mundijong road and Duckpond reserve – 11ha North Dandalup Primary School reserve – 2ha Privately owned bushland […]
Friends of Brickwood Reserve
The Friends of Brickwood Reserve bushcare days are back up and running! First meet will be : Sunday 5th June at 10 am Meet and park at the Recreation centre end of old Mead street We will be cleaning up all along the old mead street, watsonias and any new tea trees that may be […]
Threatened Ecological Communities – New Funding
Kristy Gregory, Teele Hooper-Worrell, Landcare SJ officers, and Penny Hollick from the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale completed site inspections on 17th May at several Threatened Ecological Communities in the Serpentine Jarrahdale region. They re-surveyed an established flora plot at Brickwood Reserve in Byford. New Flora quadrats were set up at Duckpond Reserve and another […]