R U OK Day 2020


People are at the heart of all community matters and they are critical to our success.

Respecting people, improving the quality of living, appreciating and supporting cultural differences and being good stewards of the land, air, water, flora and fauna – they are the values of Landcare SJ. Landcare is about caring for people as much as it is for Country.

That’s why the Board determined to hold an annual R U OK? tree planting day in the stunning Gooralong Valley, Jarrahdale.

planting seedlings

Our recent event in September allowed us to get in touch with the earth, to connect with people, and to ask each other – R U OK?

The weather was perfect, the creek flowed with its gurgle and splash, the birds sang, the frogs croaked, the kids played and adults laughed and talked and connected.

After planting over 2000 seedlings and protecting them in our new coir tree guards (a move away from plastics), we drank tea, coffee and juice, ate homemade scones and mulberry jam, savoury slices, biscuits and cake. The conversation continued. Participants left with a smile and a sunflower plant seedling to take home.

The event is a community collaboration. This year we had bi-partisan political support from our local members of Parliament, the Shire staff came on board, and we had local businesses join us, and community from all around – all to support the mental health awareness message.


With much appreciation to our sponsors Rotary Club of Byford & Districts, Thomas Contracting Services, Thomas Tree Services and Plantrite -Wholesale Native Nursery, and our delivery partners the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, Jarrahdale Heritage Society, Jarrahdale Community Collective, The National Trust of Western Australia and R U OK Day. Remember, it’s OK not to be OK. Keep the conversation going. Focus on your good qualities.

people at event in bush setting with old buidings
people having morning tea
two women volunteers at RU OK day in bush setting
two men and 4 women in front of a white gate with banner


If you need help, please contact:

Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800

Lifeline on 13 11 14

MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978

Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467

Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36

Headspace on 1800 650 890


Posted in Cockatubes, Feature posts, Latest News, People.