Western Australia’s precious and unique plants, animals and birds need your protection if they are to survive extinction. We have lost too many already.
All donations to Landcare SJ support research, recovery, rescue and protection of ENDANGERED Black Cockatoos.
As natural hollows are destroyed this may be the only way to save these beautiful birds.
Many thanks to past donors who have supported research and development, and placement of Cockatube nestboxes. The Cockatube has been used to compliment ever diminishing breeding habitat for at least six Black Cockatoo species across Australia.
Landcare Serpentine-Jarrahdale has donated over 150 Cockatubes through support in our donor program, particularly into fire ravaged areas since 2019, both in Western Australia, and across east coast and South Australia – its not only people who lose their homes. Donations have contributed to scientific R&D, leading to better understanding of optimal breeding habitat for all species of Black Cockatoo, through Landcare SJs program of continuous design improvement. Your support is making a difference. Please consider.
Donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia.
There are many groups that are supporting Black Cockatoos across Western Australia contact us for more information or WA Landcare network
You can also assist with roost counts and surveys by joining in with the Great Cocky Count. The Great Cocky Count is an annual, community-based survey where volunteers count black cockatoos at night-time roost sites across the south-west of the state on a single night in April.
Plant species used by Black Cockatoos. Download Plants used by Carnaby”s Black Cockatoo guide
Local native species list for landcare projects in the Mid Swan Coastal Plain keeping it local
How you could help in your local area

Landcare SJ are involved in revegetation of reserves and private properties throughout the districts of Serpentine Jarrahdale and North Murray.
Plant local native trees.
Protect your local reserves.
Support Black Cockatoos by donating to the Landcare SJ Public Fund dedicated to research, recovery, rescue and protection of ENDANGERED Black Cockatoos.